Planning Associates,
Cambridge, MA, 197475. LaViolette worked as a staff
consultant for a Massachusetts environmental and energy consulting
firm. He conducted a comparative study of several federal
agency product regulatory programs as a way of advising the EPA
on procedures for implementing a program to regulate the manufacture
of recyclable beverage containers.
energy consulting,
1977. In 1977, as project consultant on solar energy for
the Fourth Report to Club of Rome, he was the first to demonstrate
that a solar electric power plant would be cheaper to build than
a nuclear plant.[60] His conclusions, which were underwritten
by the UN, received media attention in both the U.S.[61-
63] and
69] In
the late 1970's he was listed as a UN solar energy expert,[70] and he also advised the Greek National
Power Authority on the feasibility of photovoltaic power production.
In 2004 - 2005, LaViolette carried out solar energy research
with the Starburst Foundation using the facilities of the California
Water Institute at California State University Fresno. He
built and tested the performance of a new type of advective solar
water still he had invented.
S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Arlington, VA, 1998-99. He served as
a patent examiner examining patents on magnetic resonance imaging
technology. While working at the USPTO, the Unofficial
Gazette, a newsletter published by Patent and Trademark Office
Society and which was regularly distributed to all patent examiners,
carried a favorable spotlight story about the newly hired LaViolette,
his books, and his ideas.[71] This article catapulted LaViolette into
the limelight, also bringing him to the attention of conservative
political elements in the physics community, such as Robert
Park, APS Director of Public Information, who was a devout
First Law enthusiast. Shortly afterward Park posted
a cynical
news item on the American Physical Society (APS) website
disapproving of LaViolette's hiring on the grounds that he was
an "original" thinker.[72]
Two months later, in January, LaViolette had
placed a link on his personal website (
which was directed to a webpage describing an upcoming alternative
energy conference to be held at the State Department and which
was to include a scientist speaking about his cold fusion research.
As a result, Park and APS conservative Peter Zimmerman
soon concluded that LaViolette must be collaborating with the
conference's organizer Tom Valone, who also was a Patent Office
examiner, and that they both were cold fusion supporters. Even
though cold fusion is today recognized by scientists as a real
physical phenomenon, Park and Zimmerman were at the time convinced
that cold fusion was bogus. So they began an extensive smear
campaign to get the State Department conference canceled and
the two examiners removed from their jobs. On March 22nd
Zimmerman hosted a "pseudoscience
session" at the spring American Physical Society meeting
and there stated openly that he and Robert Park were working
to "expose and purge anyone at the patent office who sympathizes
with cold fusion."[73] APS internet postings written by Park
chiding the two examiners were emailed to high ranking management
at the Patent Office with the aim of embarrassing the Patent
Office into firing them. The USPTO apparently bowed to
their wishes. On March 24, 1999, two days after the APS
meeting and one day after the email barrage to USPTO management
had reached its peak, LaViolette was given notice by his supervisor
of his termination and Valone's division director initiated proceedings
to terminate him as well. As a result, Valone was forced to
leave the Patent Office some months later. |