1. LaViolette, Paul A. Galactic
Explosions, Cosmic Dust Invasions, and Climatic Change.
PhD dissertation, Portland State Univ., (1983a) Portland, Oregon,
pp. 763.
2. LaViolette,
Paul A. "Cosmic
ray volleys from the Galactic center and their recent impact
on the Earth environment." Earth, Moon, and Planets
37 (1987): 241-286.
3. LaViolette,
Paul A. Earth
Under Fire: Humanity's Survival of the Ice Age. Rochester,
VT: Bear and Co., 2003, first edition 1997.
4. LaViolette,
Paul A. International Journal of General Systems 11(4)
(1985). "Special Issue on Systems Thinking in Physics,"
features three papers: 68 pp.
"An introduction to subquantum kinetics, Part
I -- An overview of the methodology," pp. 281 - 293.
"An introduction to subquantum kinetics, Part
II -- An open system description of particles and fields,"
pp. 295 - 328.
"An introduction to subquantum kinetics, Part
III -- The cosmology of subquantum kinetics," pp. 329 -
5. LaViolette,
Paul A. "The
electric charge and magnetization distribution of the nucleon:
Evidence of a subatomic Turing wave pattern." International
Journal of General Systems 37(6) (Dec. 2008): 649
- 676.
6. LaViolette,
Paul A. Subquantum
Kinetics: A Systems Approach to Physics and Cosmology,
second edition. Alexandria, VA: Starlane Publications, 2003;
first edition 1994.
7. LaViolette,
Paul A. "Thoughts
about thoughts about thoughts: The emotional-perceptive cycle
theory." Man-Environment Systems 9 (1979):15-44.
8. LaViolette,
Paul A. "Is
the universe really expanding?" The Astrophysical
Journal 301 (1986): 544-553.
9. "New
study questions expanding universe." Astronomy magazine,
AstroNews section, August 1986.
10. Letter from
Reber to P. LaViolette, December 11, 1984 requesting a paper
11. Letter from
P. Vigier to Roy Keys managing editor of the journal Apeiron,
May 13, 1986.
12. Letter from
Pecker and J. P. Vigier to P. LaViolette, May 13, 1986.
13. Letter from
Pecker to P. LaViolette, June 21, 1986.
14. Letter from
de Vaucouleur to P. LaViolette, March 21, 1986.
15. Letter from
Marmet to P. LaViolette, April 28, 1986.
16. Letter from
Turner to P. LaViolette, March 26, 1986
18. LaViolette,
Paul A. "The
planetary-stellar mass-luminosity relation: Possible evidence
of energy nonconservation?" Physics Essays 5(4)
(1992): 536-544.
19. LaViolette,
Paul A. "The
Pioneer maser signal anomaly: Possible confirmation of spontaneous
photon blueshifting." Physics Essays 18(2)
(2005): 150-163. (
20. LaViolette,
Paul A. "The
matter of creation." Physics Essays 7(1)
(1994): 1-8.
21. LaViolette,
P. A. Secrets
of Antigravity Propulsion: Tesla, UFOs, and Classified Aerospace
Technology. Rochester, VT: Bear and Co., 2008.
22. Albert, J.,
et al., "Probing quantum gravity using photons from a Mkn
501 flare observed by MAGIC." (2007), Eprint:
23. LaViolette,
Paul A. "The terminal Pleistocene cosmic event: Evidence
for recent incursion of nebular material into the solar system."
(abs.) Eos 64, p. 286; Spring AGU meeting, Baltimore,
May 1983.
24. LaViolette,
Paul A. "Elevated
concentrations of cosmic dust in Wisconsin stage polar ice."
(abs.) Meteoritics 18, p. 336; 46th meeting of
the Meteoritical Society, Mainz, September 1983.
25. LaViolette,
Paul A. "Evidence
of high cosmic dust concentrations in Late Pleistocene polar
ice." Meteoritics 20 (1985): 545-558.
26. Clube, S. V.
M. and Napier, W. M., "The
microstructure of terrestrial catastrophism." Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 211 (1984):953-968.
27. Boutron, Claude
F. "Comment on the paper 'The cometary breakup hypothesis
re-examined'." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society 233 (1988):215-220.
28. LaViolette,
Paul A. "Regarding
the validity of polar trace metal data: A reply." Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 233 (1988):
29. Letter
from Dr. Korotkevich, Deputy Director of the Soviet Arctic
and Antarctic Research Institute sent to LaViolette and NSF,
May 1987.
30. Telephone
conversation between Paul LaViolette (Starburst Foundation)
and Herman Zimmerman of NSF Polar Programs Office, November 4,
31. Hill, Richard
to test Galaxy theory." Oregonian, June 9, 1988,
page E2. Also see follow up: "Theory waiting on ice."
Oregonian, November 3, 1988, page D1.
32. LaViolette,
Paul A. "Anticipation
of the Ulysses interstellar dust findings." Eos
74(44) (1993): 510-11. |