These findings are reason to be gravely concerned about the effects of a Galactic core explosion because they imply that the cosmic rays generated can impact our planet virtually without warning, accompanying the light arriving from the initial core outburst.(5, 11, 12) A study of astronomical and geological data reveals that a superwave from our Galactic core impacted our solar system near the end of the last ice age, 11,000 to 16,000 years ago.(13, 14). This cosmic ray event spanned a period of several thousand years and climaxed between 15,900 and 12,000 years ago. Although far less intense than the PG 0052+251 quasar outburst, it nevertheless was able to substantially affect the Earth's climate and energize the Sun. Data obtained from polar ice core samples show evidence of this cosmic ray event as well as other cosmic ray intensity peaks from superwaves impacting the Earth at earlier times (Figure 5).(11, 15)
Figure 6 shows the position in the Galaxy of the 15,900 years before 2000 (b2k) superwave when viewed at differing times following the time it passed through the solar system.(5) This elliptical shape of the event horizon is determined by the time it takes the cosmic ray electrons to travel radially outward from the Galactic center at the speed of light plus the time it takes the synchrotron radiation generated by those cosmic ray electrons to reach us at the speed of light. As the superwave expands outward through the galaxy with the passage of millennia, the ellipticity of its event horizon progressively decreases. LaViolette found that the cosmic ray intensity along this ellipsoidal event horizon shell fits the galactic radio background distribution better than any other previous cosmic ray model. He also found that supernova explosion dates coincided with times when the superwave was passing the progenitor star's location, suggesting that superwaves trigger these explosions.
The effects on the
Sun and on the Earth's climate were not due to the superwave
cosmic rays themselves, but to the cosmic dust that these cosmic
rays transported into the solar system. Observations have
shown that the solar system is presently passing through a dense
cloud of cosmic dust and frozen debris associated with the North
Polar Spur supernova remnant. This material is normally
kept at bay by the outward pressure of the solar wind. But,
an impacting superwave cosmic ray volley would have overpowered
the solar wind and pushed large quantities of this material into
the interplanetary environment. The Sun would have become
enveloped in a cocoon of dust that would have caused its spectrum
to shift toward the infrared. Radiation back scattered
from this cocoon would have caused the Sun's corona and photosphere
to inflate, somewhat like that observed today in dust-choked
stars called "T Tauri stars.". In addition,
the dust grains filling the solar system would have back scattered
solar radiation onto the Earth, producing an "interplanetary
hothouse effect" that would have substantially increased
the influx of solar radiation to the Earth. These various
solar effects caused atmospheric warming and inversion conditions
that facilitated glacial growth which brought on ice age conditions.
On occasions when the solar radiation influx to the Earth
became particularly high, the ice age climate warmed, initiating
episodes of rapid glacial melting and continental flooding. |
Artist's conception of the circumstellar dust disc surrounding a T Tauri star. Similar dust congestion would have been present in our solar system during the time when the last superwave was passing us at the end of the last ice age. | Artist's conception of cosmic dust and gas present in the near Earth environment during the time of a superwave passage. In addition, the circumterrestrial dust cloud, not shown here, would have become particularly congested with cosmic dust. |
NASA video showing solar flare activity on the Sun in October 17th - November 3, 2003. Made with the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (courtesy of SOHO [ESA & NASA] & the EIT consortium). Research suggests
that the Sun was highly active between 16,000 and 11,000 years
ago; see dissertation excerpt Chapter
4. LaViolette hypothesized that this extreme level
of flaring activity resulted because the Sun was accreting dust
and gas from its dust congested surroundings during this superwave
"storm interval". During this time the sun would
have emitted super-sized solar
proton events (SPEs), intense volleys of solar cosmic rays,
and super coronal
mass ejections (CMEs), immense spherical masses of coronal
plasma. These would have been large enough to have posed
an extreme hazard for life on Earth. There is evidence
that one particularly tragic SPE impacted the Earth around 12,900
years ago, evidence of which is recorded in ocean sediments and
polar ice as a spike in both atmospheric C-14 and nitrate ion
concentration, the largest to occur during the entire Younger
Dryas/Alleröd climatic period.(19)
This event happened to coincide with the termination boundary
of the two millennium-long Pleistocene mass extinction, beyond
which one finds few surviving Pleistocene mammals. This
is believed to have been the worst animal extinction episode
to occur since the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years
Abrupt climatic warming induced by elevated levels of solar radiation reaching the Earth would have melted the surface of the ice sheets and caused perched meltwater lakes to form on the ice sheet surface. A dam failure of one of these lakes would have produced a meltwater avalanche that would have grown in size as it traveled across the ice sheet and accumulated the contents of perched lakes along its path. The result would have been a wave of meltwater reaching a height of 500 meters or more and travelling forward at hundreds of kilometers per hour. LaViolette coined the term glacier wave to refer to this phenomenon.(5) See Verified Prediction No. 12. The occurrence of global warmings during the Alleröd and at the time of this 12,887 years b2k SPE/CME event would explain why many of the extinct megafauna are found interred in flood deposits.