1. Galactic
Superwaves This forum is
for discussing all aspects of the Galactic superwave theory --
astronomical evidence and its effects on the Earth and solar
system, including the Fermi gamma ray bubble, ice core evidence,
evidence for an activated T Tauri sun in prehistoric times, and
terrestrial effects (e.g., global warming, glacier waves, solar
induced geomagnetic excursions). (Those wishing
to post to this forum should have previously read the book Earth
Under Fire or the Galactic Superwave CD.)
2. Subquantum
Kinetics This forum is for
discussing the physics and cosmology of subquantum kinetics and
its application to field theory and astronomy. (Those
wishing to post to this forum should have previously read the
book Subquantum Kinetics.)
3. Galactic
Pulsar Communication This forum is for discussing
evidence of geometrical relationships or astronomically or physically
significant information that may be conveyed through the locations
of radio pulsars or through their signal properties. It also
discusses idea priority on the subject of pulsed broadband targeted
beam SETI communication. (Those wishing to post to
this forum should have previously read either of the following
books: Decoding the Message of the Pulsars or The Talk
of the Galaxy.)
4. Aerospace
Field Propulsion and Electrogravitics This
forum is for discussing field propulsion and electrogravitic
technologies having application to the aerospace field. It
covers the reverse engineering of black project military craft
and focuses on explanations of these technologies within the
subquantum kinetics ether physics paradigm. (Those
wishing to post to this forum should have previously read either
of the following books: Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion,
Subquantum Kinetics, or Electrogravitics Systems.)
5. Feeling Tone Theory (pending) This forum is for discussing feeling tone theory
and its application to neuropsychology and education.