A. LaViolette is an eclectic American general system theorist
and astrophysicist known among other things for his development
of the galactic superwave theory,[1-3] the subquantum kinetics unified field
theory,[4-6] and the emotional-perceptive cycling
theory of thought formation.[7] These theories have gained recognition
partly because a large number of predictions that LaViolette
had published (many in refereed journals) were later independently
confirmed. At present 14
predictions have been confirmed for the superwave theory
and 12
predictions have been confirmed for subquantum kinetics.
(It should be noted for comparison that Einstein's general
theory of relativity had three apriori prediction confirmations.
String theory, a mathematically complex unified field theory,
has had no confirmations since string theory has been unable
to produce any testable predictions.) He obtained his BA in physics from the Johns Hopkins University, his masters in business administration from the University of Chicago, and his Ph.D. in systems science from Portland State University. |
LaViolette has authored seven books: Subquantum Kinetics, Genesis of the Cosmos, Earth Under Fire, Galactic Superwaves and their Impact on the Earth, Decoding the Message of the Pulsars, and Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion. He is also editor of a book of essays by Ludwig von Bertalanffy entitled A Systems View of Man. He has also authored numerous technical papers as well as several magazine articles on a variety of subjects, systems science, physics, astronomy, cosmology, SETI, aerospace propulsion, geology, paleontology, educational psychology, stock market theory, and solar energy. He speaks at universities and symposia around the world about his research findings. He also holds patents on a novel breathing bag system for closed-circuit breathing apparatus. LaViolette has served as the president and director of the Starburst Foundation since its founding in 1984. The Starburst Foundation is a nonprofit scientific research institute carrying out research in physics astronomy, cosmology, climatology, geology, and alternative energy. A listing of the institutional affiliations of people requesting information on Starburst's research (as of 1988) is posted here (affiliations).
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