© 2009, P. LaViolette

For permission to post parts of this bio, contact: gravitics1@aol.com

 Astronomy & Geology (superwave theory)
LaViolette is the first to show evidence that cosmic ray volleys released from a galactic core outburst are able to travel radially outward through a galaxy along straight-line trajectories at near light velocities.[1, 2]  He coined the word superwave to describe this phenomenon, a superwave consisting of cosmic ray electrons, protons, positrons, and electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths, also preceded at its forefront by a gravity potential wave.[1, 2]  The exposition and testing of the superwave theory was the central subject of his 1983 Ph.D. dissertation at Portland State University.  This also involved testing the hypothesis that one such superwave had passed through the solar system at the end of the last ice age. An updated version of his thesis is available in electronic form, and is entitled Galactic Superwaves and their Impact on the Earth.[1]  He published a summary of the idea in 1987 in Earth, Moon, and Planets,[2] and his paper has been favorably cited.
This superwave hypothesis found further support in later discoveries demonstrating radial rectilinear propagation of cosmic rays in the Galaxy (see Superwave Prediction No. 2) and press release.  Well known galaxy astronomer Roger Blandford publicly concurred in LaViolette's interpretation of this confirmatory evidence.
His proposal that superwaves recur about every 104 years found support through the later discovery of recurrent beryllium-10 peaks in Antarctic polar ice (see Superwave Prediction No. 3).  The Be-10 data was shown by Liritzis and Grigori in 1998 to contain significant periods at 5,400, 12,200, and 25,400 years which fall in the range of the 104 year recurrence LaViolette had predicted.
LaViolette further has proposed that several superwaves are currently on their way toward Earth, unseen until their time of arrival, and that it is highly probable that one will arrive in the next several centuries.[1-3]  In 1989 he directed a public outreach project, funded by the Starburst Foundation, to inform government and nongovernmental organizations about the EMP hazards associated with the arrival of an intense gamma ray pulse expected to accompany an impacting superwave (see starburstfound.org/GalacticCenter/Galactic4.html). He contacted UN ambassadors, embassies of nuclear superpowers, U.S. Security Council, U. S. Defense Nuclear Agency, NORAD, NATO, House & Senate Armed Services Committees, international environmental NGO's, and antinuclear coalitions.  Starburst received complementary responses from several high profile individuals contacted during this project, including: the Special Assistant to the President (U.S.) for National Security Affairs (letter), Edward Kennedy, U.S. Senator from Massachusetts (letter), Sir Crispin Tickell, United Kingdom Ambassador to the United Nations (letter), Wilbert Chagula Tanzanian Ambassador to the United Nations (letter).
In 1997, LaViolette published the book Earth Under Fire, which was reprinted in 2005 by Bear & Co.[3]  The book describes the superwave phenomenon in terms understandable to the layman and includes discussions of ancient myths and legends from all over the world which could be records of a past superwave disaster.  These lore are not cited as support of the theory itself; they are included only as supplementary information to provide a more sociological dimension to the theory. The book has been very well received.  Since 1999 it has been required reading in one course taught at Colgate University. A professional video entitled Earth Under Fire was produced in 1997 based on the book and was aired numerous times on television.

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