Tesla’s Comments on Stellar Energy in Agreement with SQK

In 1934, on his 78th birthday, Nikola Tesla gave a press interview which the New York Herald Tribune reported on.  Besides disclosing for the first time about the force beam he planned to develop as a weapon for defense, the Tribune reported Tesla’s unconventional conclusion that all stars in the universe are growing both in mass and energy output and that they will ultimately end their life in explosion.  Below is an excerpt from this news story:

Dr. Tesla disclosed that he has lately perfected instruments which flatly disprove the present theory of the high physicists that the sun is destined to burn itself out until it is a cold cinder floating in space.  Dr. Tesla stated that he is able to show that all the suns in the universe are constantly growing in mass and heat, so that the ultimate fate of each is explosion…
He had, he said, detected “certain motions in the medium that fills space, and measured the effects of these motions.”  The results of the experiments had led him “inescapably” to the conclusion that such bodies as the sun are taking on mass much more rapidly than they are dissipating it by the dissipation of energy in heat and light.
He pointed out that his theory means a future for the earth as different from the general belief as the future of the sun.  It is generally held that life on the earth will cease when the sun grows so cold that the earth temperature drops to a point where life can no longer be supported.  Dr. Tesla prophesies that life on the earth will cease because the planet will grow too warm to support life, and he believes that life will then begin on outer planets now too cold.  He said that his discovery not only allowed him to predict a very different future for the heavenly bodies from that now generally expected for them, but also to calculate in a new way their age.

Joseph W. Alsop, New York Herald Tribune, July 11, 1934, pp. 1, 15.  reprint posted at: http://www.tesla-coil-builder.com/Articles/jul_11_1934b.htm

I entirely agree with what Tesla said.  Tesla’s conclusions are entirely vindicated by the predictions of subquantum kinetics.  Subquantum kinetics predicts that all stars, including the Sun, are creating matter in their interiors as well as genic energy (energy produced by photon blueshifting).  As a result they are growing.  Unlike conventional theory which predicts that stars will eventually burn out, SQK predicts that stars will continue to grow in mass and energy output, either ending in a supernova explosion or continuing their evolution in the form of a stellar core mass that is subject to occasional explosive outbursts.  Tesla’s conclusions were controversial because they flew in the face of the law of energy conservation which physicists staunchly adhere to even today.

There have been several observational confirmations of the matter/energy creation predictions of SQK.  But it is interesting that Tesla claimed to have made observations prior to 1934 which led him to the same conclusion.  From his quote, one is led to conclude that he was somehow making measurements related to the ether.  What the instruments were and what the data was was never disclosed.  It possibly was confiscated along with much of his apparatus at the time of his death 9 years later.

There are other similarities between Tesla’s physics and subquantum kinetics.

a) Tesla believed in the existence of an ether that filled all space.  But this was an incompressible solid ether such as that proposed in the nineteenth century.  His consisted of “independent carriers immersed in an insulating fluid.”  This analogy comes very close to that of the subquantum kinetics ether which postulates a chemical-like medium consisting of reacting units (or etherons) that may independently diffuse through the medium or react with other etherons in the medium.

b) Tesla envisioned that the ether is acted upon by the “life-giving creative force.”  This comes very close to the animated ether of subquantum kinetics which continually engages in reaction processes proceeding forward as if animated by some Prime Mover.

c) Tesla believed that when the ether was thrown into infinitesimal whirls it formed ponderable matter.  In a similar fashion, the dissipative solitons that emerge from the Model G ether reaction system, which SQK postulates to be the analogs of subatomic particles, are predicted to contain ether vortices in their cores.

d) Tesla believed that when the creative force subsides and this motion ceases, matter disappears leaving only the ether.  This too parallels with SQK which notes that if the etheric reactive flux were to subside or change, matter would dematerialize. 

e) Tesla envisioned wave transmission as being analogous to sound waves traveling through a gaseous medium; i.e., alternate longitudinal compressions and rarifactions of a gas-like ether, and not transverse stresses in an incompressible fluid medium.  This accurately describes the subquantum kinetics wave model which envisions waves as high and low etheron concentrations propagating longitudinally from the wave’s source.

f) Tesla was against the general relativistic idea that matter could curve space.  Similarly, SQK does not ascribe to this either, but postulates that space remains Euclidean throughout.

P. LaViolette

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