Primordial Lithium-7 Discrepancy for SQK?

According to an article in the February 2011 edition of Astronomy magazine, the relatively constant measure of lithium-7 in galactic halo stars has been interpreted as evidence for Big Bang Nucleosynthesis of this element, rather than from a stellar process. However, the measured Li-7, in both these halo stars and in stars of the globular cluster NGC 6397, is far less abundant that Big Bang Nucleosynthesis predicts. The conclusion is that some stellar process must destroy the primordial Li-7. Is this further evidence against Big Bang theory? And what insight from this observation can be gained from SQK?


For many years, the big bang theory has been seriously challenged in regard to its prediction for the cosmic abundance of lithium.  Big bang nucleosynthesis predicts lithium-7 levels that are three times higher than are observed in the atmospheres of old stars.  To rescue their theory, some big bang theorists have attempted to hypothesize that lithium-7 is somehow transported from the surface of the star into its interior where it is hidden from view.  Others have speculated that post BB processes have depleted lithium-7 from its former primordial value.  Lithium-6 presents another problem.  In this case the big bang nucleosynthesis theory predicts negligible amounts of lithium-6 where observations have shown Li-6 to be present at detectable levels that are an order of magnitude less abundant than Li-7.  The simple answer is that there was no big bang.  This leaves lithium abundances to be explained entirely in terms of stellar nucleosynthesis or through parthenogenic elemental transmutation, which is consistent with the subquantum kinetics cosmology.

P. LaViolette

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