Parthenogenesis Video



The video Parthenogenesis: A Sacred Journey presents a conception of our universe alternate to that taught by big bang theorists.

Rather than imagining the universe as originating explosively out of nothingness, it instead conceives that the matter making up our universe has been materializing spontaneously throughout all of space and within all celestial bodies, coming into being through a process of continuous creation or parthenogenesis (virgin birth). It views Creation as a beautiful and sacred process of ongoing evolution.

A 7 minute excerpt of this video may be viewed at:

To receive a DVD of this 33-minute video you can make a donation of $50 or more at the Starburst Foundation donation page at:

Instead of donating here and receiving a mailed DVD copy, those wishing instead to download a copy of the video may do so at the Sphinx Stargate website by selecting here.

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