Detailed Projects List

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(March 2011)

Potential donors wishing cost estimates for any of these projects
are requested to email their request to the Starburst Foundation


The following are projects that Starburst has plans to pursue:


1) The Pleistocene extinction. Dr. LaViolette's paper presenting evidence that the Pleistocene megafaunal extinction had a solar flare cause has been published in the June issue of the journal Radiocarbon;(1) see press release.  LaViolette needs funds to attend a scientific conference to present its findings.


2) Ice core and ocean sediment analysis to study the solar flare event that terminated the Pleistocene extinction episode. As a follow up to the discoveries published in study (2) above,(1) Starburst would like to carry out a detailed chemical analysis of Greenland ice and ocean sediment cores to look for evidence that the Pleistocene extinction was terminated by an intense solar cosmic ray storm and that this event was also responsible for depositing ET indicators found in the YDB layer at the base of the black mat in the southwestern U.S. and in the Usello Horizon in Europe. P. LaViolette has identified an acidic layer in the Summit, Greenland polar ice core record that dates around 12,887±10 years before 2000 (b2k) which he believes registers the impact of a solar coronal mass ejection strong enough to overpower the Earth's magnetosheath and allow vast quantities of solar cosmic ray radiation to enter the atmosphere and produce lethal radiation levels at the Earth's surface. For this project we would measure the concentrations of cosmic dust indicators such as iridium, nickel, and gold in 20 samples spanning this part of the ice record. This could be done by using either neutron activation analysis or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. We would also carry out a scanning electron microscope study of the dust found in this part of the ice core to search for the presence of cosmic spherules similar to those found in the YDB layer overlying the terminal extinction boundary. Further, we would analyze the beryllium-10 concentrations in these samples using accelerator mass spectrometry. We also would like to measure radiocarbon and Be-10 concentrations in 6-month sample intervals spanning two sections of the Cariaco Basin ocean sediment record corresponding to the 12,887 and 12,689 years b2k radiocarbon spurts. These two projects would be conducted with other researchers expert in Be-10 and radiocarbon analysis. It is expected that the study could take two years to plan and complete.


3) Publishing papers on climatology/geology. With proper funding, Dr. LaViolette could publish additional scientific papers about Galactic superwaves and their effects on the Earth's climate and biosphere. See references 2-13 for past publications. He has several papers that are in the process of being made ready for publication. These present the following:

a) a discussion of his discovery of heavy metals in polar ice (tin, antimony, gold, silver, and iridium whose results were presented in his dissertation, but never published,

b) Evidence of solar-induced global warming at the end of the last ice age, and that this warming was caused by the passage of a Galactic superwave,

c) A discussion of the glacier wave concept of continental flooding and the new interpretation it offers for Heinrich events.Once these papers are written and edited they would be ready to be submitted for publication. They may encounter substantial resistance from conservative climatology and geology journals since their proposed hypotheses challenge existing climatological, geological, and astronomical theories.


4) Superwave periodicity. With the volunteer help of a company in Seattle, Starburst has conducted a fast Fourier transform analysis of beryllium-10 peaks found at various depths in the Vostok ice core. This has allowed us to estimate the periodicity of superwaves. Analysis should also be performed on the Vostok ice core data that Liritzis and Grigori analyzed to compare with the periods that they have reported. The findings need to be written up and published in a scientific journal.


5) Communicating the superwave theory. Additional funds would support Starburst's efforts to network with other scientists who are doing work relevant to the superwave theory and to present papers on the superwave theory at scientific conferences. Starburst will also contact Federal government personnel to make them aware of the superwave phenomenon. Starburst also would like to continue the updating of Dr. LaViolette's Ph.D. thesis which is available on CD.


6) Public relations. Writing and sending out press releases about LaViolette's discoveries, contacting the media, emailing scientists preprints of LaViolette's papers.


7) Networking with alternative technology groups and superwave survival groups. A part time volunteer assistant could be hired to network with groups around the world who are preparing alternative technologies that will assist independent living (energy and food independence) and to network with groups preparing for superwave survival. Although there is no definite indication of claims that a superwave will arrive in 2012, it is advisable to encourage preparedness. This project could also be responsible for networking with prayer groups around the world to be ready to organize mass prayers in the event of a superwave arrival.


8) Public lecturing. Public lectures could be organized that would inform people about galactic superwaves, subquantum kinetics, and exotic energy and propulsion technologies. This budget would include traveling and lodging expenses not covered by the lecture host and time for the speaker to prepare the lecture.

  • Donations

    Starburst relies on donations and bequests from the general public, charitable institutions, and the business community. Every contribution helps.