Detailed Projects List

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Footnote relevant to projects 11 thru 16.

* Subquantum kinetics (SQK) views the physical world of matter, energy, and fields as an epiphenomenon generated by the continuous activity of an unseen ether that "underlies" our material world yet also extends beyond it along a higher dimensional continuum. The SQK paradigm is consistent with religious and mystical teachings as well as ancient esoteric lore.(20) It allows the possibility of unifying science and spiritual teachings. SQK can also help to explain exotic energy phenomena such as the longitudinal waves and scalar soliton phenomena discovered by Nikola Tesla.(21-22)

In regard to space propulsion, SQK is the first theory to predict a connection between electrostatic charge and gravity and thereby to provide a theoretical framework for understanding the electrogravitic effect first discovered by scientist T. Townsend Brown.(14,15, 24-30) General relativity fails to do this. Electrogravitics should allow the possibility for developing devices capable of controlling gravity. In addition, SQK is able to account for the same observational effects as Einstein's theory (e.g., gravitational bending of light, precession of Mercury's orbit), while avoiding its pitfalls (e.g., the naked singularity problem, cosmological constant conundrum, and the failure of black hole models).

In the area of energy generation, SQK predicts the existence of a new energy phenomenon called genic energy.(14-21) This phenomenon allowed Dr. LaViolette to discover and explain why the jovian planets are members of the stellar mass-luminosity relation and has led him to predict that brown dwarfs would also conform to this relation, a prediction that has been twice verified.(18) Genic energy also resolves many problems in astrophysics such as the solar neutrino problem, the discovery that blue-supergiants are progenitors to supernova explosions, etc. Since the genic energy phenomenon requires that the First Law of Thermodynamics is no longer absolutely valid, being violated regularly in nature throughout the universe, adoption of the SQK paradigm could lead to a reformation whereby current physics adopts a more liberal interpretation of the First Law.(30) This in turn could promote a more favorable interpretation of nonconventional energy sources which physicists often reject on the grounds that they violate the First Law.

SQK also holds promise in accounting for many other astrophysical phenomena such as stellar and galactic evolution, the tired-light effect, stellar pulsation, and galactic core explosions. Deep space images taken with the Hubble Space Telescope have confirmed a priori predictions that subquantum kinetics had made about galaxy evolution and the expected smaller size of galaxies existing billions of years ago.



1. "Evidence for a Solar Flare Cause of the Pleistocene Mass Extinction." Radiocarbon 53(2), 2011, pp. 303-323; eprint:

2. Galactic Explosions, Cosmic Dust Invasions, and Climatic Change. PhD dissertation, Portland State Univ., (1983) Portland, Oregon, pp. 763 (Univ. Micro. No. 83-24,329).

3. "The Terminal Pleistocene Cosmic Event: Evidence for Recent Incursion of Nebular Material into the Solar System." (abs.) Eos 64, p. 286; Spring AGU meeting, Baltimore, May 1983.

4. "Elevated Concentrations of Cosmic Dust in Wisconsin Stage Polar Ice." (abs.) Meteoritics 18, p. 336; 46th meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Mainz, September 1983.

5. "Galactic Superwaves and Their Effect on the Earth and Solar System." (abs.) Presented at the Galaxy and Solar System Conference, Tucson, Jan. 1985.

6. "Evidence of High Cosmic Dust Concentrations in Late Pleistocene Polar Ice." Meteoritics 20 (1985): 545-558.

7. "Cosmic Ray Volleys from the Galactic Center and Their Recent Impact on the Earth Environment." Earth, Moon, and Planets 37 (1987): 241-286.

8. "The Cometary Break-up Hypothesis Reexamined." Monthly Notices Royal Astronomical Society 224 (1987): 945-951.

9. "Regarding the Validity of Polar Trace Metal Data: A Reply." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 233 (1988): 221-224.

10."Galactic core explosions and the evolution of life." Anthropos 12, 1990, pp. 239 - 255.

11."Anticipation of the Ulysses interstellar dust findings." Eos 74(44) (1993): 510-11.

12."Solar cycle variations in ice acidity at the end of the last ice age: Possible marker of a climatically significant interstellar dust incursion." Planetary and Space Science 53(4) (2005): 385 - 393; eprint:

13. Earth Under Fire: Humanity's Survival of the Ice Age. Rochester, VT: Bear & Co., 1997, 2005.

14. Subquantum Kinetics: A Systems Approach to Physics and Cosmology. Rochester, VT: Bear & Co., 1994, 2003.

15. International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 11(4) (1985). Special Issue on Systems Thinking in Physics featuring: "An Introduction to Subquantum Kinetics," 68 pp.

Part I - "An Overview of the Methodology," pp. 281 - 293.

Part II - "An open system description of particles and fields," pp. 295 - 328.

Part III - "The cosmology of subquantum kinetics," pp. 329 - 345.

16. "Is the Universe Really Expanding?" The Astrophysical Journal 301 (1986): 544-553.

17. "The Planetary-stellar mass-luminosity relation: Possible evidence of energy nonconservation?" Physics Essays 5(4) (1992): 536-544.

18. "Brown dwarf discovery confirms theory of spontaneous energy generation." Infinite Energy 1(5 & 6) (1996): 31. Reprinted in New Energy News 3(9) (1996): 17-18.

19. "The matter of creation." Physics Essays 7(1) (1994): 1-8.

20. Genesis of the Cosmos. Rochester, VT: Bear & Co., 1995, 2004.

21. "An open system approach to energy wave propagation." Proceedings of the 34th annual meeting of the International Society for Systems Science, Portland, Oregon, 1990, pp. 1119 - 1126.

22. "A Tesla wave physics." Proceedings of the 1990 Intl. Tesla Symp., Colorado Springs, CO. Intl. Tesla Soc., Denver Section IEEE, 1991, pp. 5.1 - 5.19.

23. "The electric charge and magnetization distribution of the nucleon: Evidence of a subatomic Turing wave pattern." International Journal of General Systems 37(6) (Dec. 2008): 649 - 676.

24. Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion: Tesla, UFOs, and Classified Aerospace Technology. Rochester, VT: Bear & Co., 2008.

25. "Electrogravitics: An energy efficient means of spacecraft propulsion." NASA, 1990 Space Exploration Outreach Program (idea submission), 1990. Reprinted in Explore Magazine 3 (1991): 76-79.

26. "Electrogravitics: Back to the future." Electric Spacecraft Journal, Issue 4 (1991): 23-28.

27. "A theory of electrogravitics." Electric Spacecraft Journal, Issue 8 (1992): 33-36.

28. "The U.S. Antigravity Squadron," Proceedings of the International Symp. on New Energy, Denver, CO, IANS, 1993. Reprinted in: T. Valone (ed.) Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a New Propulsion Methodology. Washington, DC.: Integrity Research Inst., 1994.

29. "Electrogravitic theory: Explaining the operating principle of Brown's electric devices." 1994. Paper presented at the 1994 symposium sponsored by the Intl. Science Forum Network.

30. "Subquantum kinetics: Exploring the crack in the First Law." Proceedings of the 26th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (Advanced Energy Concepts Session), Boston, 1991.

31. "The Pioneer maser signal anomaly: Possible confirmation of spontaneous photon blueshifting." Physics Essays 18(2) (2005): 150-163.

32. Decoding the Message of the Pulsars. Rochester, VT: Bear & Co., 2000, 2006.

33. "Evidence that radio pulsars may be artificial beacons of ETI origin," 195th American Astronomical Society meeting, Atlanta, January 12, 2000.

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