Book Review of Subquantum Kinetics by Hal Fox
Book Review of Subquantum Kinetics
by Hal Fox
Journal of New Energy
Paul A. LaViolette, Ph.D., SUBQUANTIUM KINETICS, A Systems Approach to Physics and Cosmology, 318 pages, 412 refs, Starlane Publications, Schenectady, NY, c2003, ISBN 0-9642025-5-7. $24
The number of references cited and provided by the author is a strong indication of the enormous effort that Dr. LaViolette has provided in the development of this remarkable theory of Subquantum Kinetics. The author appropriately cites these many references throughout the development and application of his theory.
LaViolette takes chemical kinetics concepts (such as nonequilibrium thermodynamics) and for the first time introduces these concepts into microphysics. The result is a new theory that postulates subquantum reaction processes as the basis of physical existence. The results of this novel treatment are summarized in an extensive table (Table 10) in the Conclusions in Chapter 12. Table 10 cites 30 topics that are not explained by other theories but are explained by Subquantum Kinetics. This book is worth the price just for this table listing the physics problems faced and unexplained by current theories. Any college student (or a former college student) of physics MUST become aware of the gaps in our currently-taught theories of physics if we are to make appropriate progress in the understanding of the universe where we have our being. Therefore, this book should be in every college library.
The eleven chapters preceding the Conclusion, describe in detail the development of the subquantum kinetics theory (Chapters 1-3) and then continue to provide details in the discussion of the following topics:
Chapter 4, Emergence of Particles and Fields.
Chapter 5, Fields and Forces.
Chapter 6, Energy Wave Behavior.
Chapter 7, The Cosmological Redshift.
Chapter 8, Matter Creation.
Chapter 9, Genic Energy (Energy creation in massive bodies).
Chapter 10, Stellar Evolution.
Chapter 11, Electrogravitics.This last topic is of special importance to this reviewer. As editor of the Journal of New Energy, it has been a privilege to print conference proceedings and submitted papers that allude to this highly interesting topic.
Dr. LaViolette has done an excellent job in discussing and citing the scant literature reporting on the development of thrust by the use of high voltage. The work of T. Townsend Brown is better covered in Chapter 11 than in any other publication that this reviewer has read. The book is worth its price just for this excellent description (and list of references) of the mostly- secret development of Brown's work. According to some of the reports (and personal sightings) about "flying saucers" there is substantial evidence that the shape of these flying objects is important and that high voltage is apparently used. Of the several reports of crashes of such vehicles, it is often associated with lightning or thunderstorms. The author's chapter on electrogravitics is an important contribution to the understanding of this work (mostly accomplished with the highest secrecy by the U.S. and Soviet Union). Here again, this reviewer suggests that this information is worth the price of the book.
The work accomplished by A. Einstein on Special Relativity and General Relativity was done mainly during the 1905 to 1920 period. It should not come as any surprise to any reader to find that Einstein's work is subject to improvement. This book cites some specific examples where it is necessary to move beyond (or make some corrections in Einstein contributions) to resolve some of the challenges of Physics. [It is well known to this reviewer that two of the basic postulates accepted by Einstein are false - that space is empty and that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum.] As the author states, we must move beyond the dogmatic acceptance of relativity and make some changes in our theories if we are to better explain some of the "unexplainable" topics in physics.
The author does an outstanding elaboration of the concepts that lie (pun intended) with the Big Bang hypothesis. One of this reviewer's favorite quotes from this book is the following: (page 186) "Yet according to the big bang cosmology, a galaxy at a 3.4 redshift would have an age of just over one billion years. Big bang cosmologies, then, must explain how a galaxy that is about one billion years old could contain stars that are over 12 billion years old."
As an eighty-year old student of physics, this reviewer strongly welcomes Dr. LaViolette's contribution to a much better understanding of the many unexplained problems in physics and a theory that can be used to unravel these long-standing mysteries. This book is highly recommended. However, don't expect that this presentation will be the last and final explanation of the universe in which we live. There will still be some surprises to come and some additions and modifications to the best theories (of which this must be one).