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Particle Movement

1D simulation showing particle moving down 2% G potential gradient

1D simulation of subquantum kinetics Model G showing a particle field pattern migrating down a G potential gradient having a 2% slope. Demonstration of a new concept of field-induced motion.  This is a one-dimensional plot of a particle forming and moving in a one-dimensional reaction volume.  Simulation parameters: Reaction volume radius = 50 spatial units, periodic boundary conditions, X potential seed fluctuation: 1 sigma in space, 3 sigma in time.


1D simulation showing particle moving down 2% G potential gradient (zoomed view)

1D simulation of subquantum kinetics Model G showing a zoomed view of a particle field pattern migrating down a G potential gradient having a 2% slope. Demonstration of a new concept of field-induced motion. This is a one-dimensional plot of a particle forming and moving in a one-dimensional reaction volume.  Simulation parameters: Reaction volume radius = 50 spatial units, periodic boundary conditions, X potential seed fluctuation: 1 sigma in space, 3 sigma in time.


1D simulation showing particle moving down 1% G potential gradient

1D simulation of subquantum kinetics Model G showing a particle field pattern migrating down a G potential gradient having a 1% slope. Demonstration of a new concept of field-induced motion. This is a one-dimensional plot of a particle forming and moving in a one-dimensional reaction volume.  Simulation parameters: Reaction volume radius = 50 spatial units, periodic boundary conditions, X potential seed fluctuation: 1 sigma in space, 3 sigma in time.


1D simulation showing particle moving down 1% G potential gradient (zoomed view)

1D simulation of subquantum kinetics Model G showing a zoomed view of a particle field pattern migrating down a G potential gradient having a 1% slope. Demonstration of a new concept of field-induced motion. This is a one-dimensional plot of a particle forming and moving in a one-dimensional reaction volume.  Simulation parameters: Reaction volume radius = 50 spatial units, periodic boundary conditions, X potential seed fluctuation: 1 sigma in space, 3 sigma in time.


Particle formed in G etheron velocity field

1D simulation of subquantum kinetics Model G showing a particle Turing wave field pattern moving in a G etheron wind that moves from left to right.  Simulation parameters: Reaction volume radius = 50 spatial units, vacuum boundary conditions.

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