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Researchers identify largest ever solar storm in ancient 14,300-year-old tree rings

Prof Theo Murphy sent me the following information on giant solar flares:   Theo: I just read this notice which reminds me about Paul's ideas concerning "giant solar flares":   Researchers identify largest ever solar storm in ancient 14,300-year-old tree rings   Huge solar storm proof found in 14,300-year-old tree rings   Original: A radiocarbon spike at 14,300 cal …
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Astrophysicist Paul Alex LaViolette, PhD has passed away

8 November 1947 – 19 December 2022 ( Paul Alex LaViolette, a Doctorate of Philosophy in Systems Science, was an astrophysicist, an inventor and a philosopher whose thinking was outside the box: a Renaissance Man. Dr. LaViolette was president of the Starburst Foundation under whose aegis he had been conducting interdisciplinary research in physics, astronomy, ecology, climatology, systems theory, psychology …
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The Generation of Mega Glacial Meltwater Floods and their Geologic Impact

A new theory explains how mountain-sized waves of glacial meltwater could have been produced during the last ice age. In a paper published last month in the journal Hydrology: Current Research, Paul LaViolette describes how immense waves of glacial meltwatercould have been produced on the surface of the North American and European ice sheets during periods of excessive climatic warmth when the ice sheet surface was melting at an accelerated rate.
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Earth Engulfed by Superconducting Interstellar Dust Particles During the Last Ice Age

Paper finally published after 30+ year journal battle ordeal. Samples retrieved from the ice age portion of the Camp Century, Greenland ice core show evidence that a major cosmic dust incursion episode occurred 49,000 years ago, the largest to occur in the past several hundred thousand years. Dr. Paul LaViolette, director of the Starburst Foundation, a New York based research institute, has found that over a period of at least 6 years, interstellar dust was entering the Earth's atmosphere at up to 100,000 times that of the current cosmic dust influx rate. He presents this discovery in a paper that that is appearing in the December 1st issue of Advances in Space Research.
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Model G Transmuting Ether Simulator: Create a Subatomic Particle

Below is a simulator of the Model G ether reaction-diffusion system. It is currently set up to generate a one-dimensional representation of a dissipative soliton; i.e., the emergence of a primordial neutron from a spontaneously emerging zero-point energy fluctuation. Just press the "run" button at the bottom. The reaction-diffusion system parameters must be chosen to be close to the values given in the left column, otherwise the system will not generate a soliton structure. You can experiment by altering the provided values and pressing "run" to see the outcome. When finished you may reset the simulator by pressing the webpage reload button on your browser.
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Hawking finally sees the light: Says black holes do not exist

Physicist Stephen Hawking has now reversed his stand on black holes. He gives his reasons in a paper that he posted five days ago on the physics preprint internet archive at ( He says that according to his new analysis "There would be no event horizons and no firewalls. The absence of event horizons mean that there are no black holes - in the sense of regimes from which light can't escape to infinity." He says that the concept of a black hole should be "redefined as a metastable bound state of the gravitational field" which has a chaotic interior. In other words, he now envisions that a supermassive Galactic core should be a collapsed region from which energy can escape through an "apparent horizon". An apparent horizon is described as a surface that traps light but which also varies its shape due to quantum fluctuations allowing the possibility for light to escape.
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Independent Confirmation of the Arrival of 8 Minor Superwave Events in the past 1300 years

In June 2012, a group of Japanese researchers Miyake, et al. announced in Nature magazine that they had found evidence of a sharp increase in radiocarbon (1.5 percent in one year) in tree rings dating from 774 to 775 AD. This indicated that on that date the Earth had been exposed to an intense pulse of gamma rays or cosmic rays. As a cause, they ruled out that it had been caused by a solar proton event or a nearby supernova. Hambaryan and Neuhaeuser (2012) concluded instead that the C-14 spike must have been caused by an energetic astronomical event of unknown origin and tentatively proposed that it may have been due to a short gamma ray burst produced either by the merger of two white dwarfs or by the accretion induced collapse of a white dwarf.
At the time of their publication, the discoverers were apparently unaware that in my 1983 Ph.D. dissertation and subsequent publications (e.g., Earth Under Fire, chap. 12), I had predicted a date very close to this for the arrival of a small superwave cosmic ray volley from an outburst of the Galactic core which was one of 13 such dates predicted for the period from 5300 BP to the present; see date prediction table below.
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G2 Cloud Predicted to Approach Twice as Close to GC

There have been new developments in the story on the G2 Cloud. Recent observations of the G2 cloud made in the near infrared at the Keck Observatory indicate that the cloud will reach its closest approach to the Galactic center around mid March of 2014 instead of June of this year. Also the new findings indicate that G2′s orbit will take the cloud twice as close to the GC than previously thought. The distance of closest approach is now predicted to be 130 AU rather than the previous estimate of 266 AU.
If the star embedded in the G2 cloud is a binary system or contains a single star with orbiting planets, there is the danger that the Galactic core may tidally strip away the lower mass companion star or one or more companion planets at the time the stellar system is at orbital pericenter closest to the core. In that case the consequences could be catastrophic. For example, if an entire 100 jupiter mass brown dwarf were to plunge into the Galactic core in one sudden event, it is almost certain that it could jump-start the core into an active Seyfert state and generate a potentially lethal superwave.
For a detailed report on this story, see the May 11th news posting on the Sphinx Stargate website.
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High-velocity outflows from the GC, or a misinterpretation?

A group of astronomers has recently reported radio telescope data which they claim is evidence of an immense high velocity outflow or “geyser” of magnetized plasma from the center of the Milky Way whose origin they attribute to starburst activity in the Galaxy’s central region. They report their results in the Jan. 2 issue of Nature magazine. Also see the following news articles:
I have received several emails from people inquiring if this may be evidence of a past Galactic core outburst similar to that discussed in a previous posting on the Fermi bubbles. I believe that this is not evidence of a Galactic core outflow. Neither do I believe that it is evidence of a geyser-like starburst outflow from the center of the Milky Way as the authors of the Nature paper claim. In fact, believe that this emission has nothing to do with the Galactic center.
For more on this story visit the Starburst Superwave Forum
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Will a superwave arrive around July 2013 and cause a widespread catastrophe?

For a decade now astronomers have been tracking the progress of a dense gas cloud called G2 which now is rapidly approaching the Galactic center on a very eccentric elliptical orbit (eccentricity ~ 0.95) and is estimated to reach pericenter (the point of closest approach) around the beginning of July 2013. Tidal forces have already been observed to stretch the cloud and these forces will become increasingly strong over the next 9 months as the cloud approaches orbit pericenter at which point it is thought that they will be strong enough to completely rip the cloud apart. At this point the dispersed cloud is expected to be gravitationally drawn into the Galactic core with the consequent release of a large amount of energy in the form of cosmic rays and gamma ray emission.
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    Starburst relies on donations and bequests from the general public, charitable institutions, and the business community. Every contribution helps.

  • Starburst Foundation Profile

    The Starburst Foundation is a nonprofit research institute based in Schenectady, New York and Athens, Greece.
    It was incorporated in the state of Oregon in January of 1984 for the purpose of carrying out scientific research and public education directed to the betterment of humanity and the planet. The Foundation’s research activities are carried out with the intention of:

    1. preserving and protecting the ecosystem of our planet from natural or man-made disturbances,
    2. promoting technologies that would improve our everyday life, and
    3. improving our understanding of ourselves as human beings and our comprehension of the universe of which we are an integral part.

    Starburst serves as a vehicle through which donors may support high-quality leading-edge research necessary to mankind’s survival in this new age.

  • Latest News

    Astrophysicist Paul Alex LaViolette, PhD has passed away

    8 November 1947 – 19 December 2022 ( Paul Alex LaViolette, a Doctorate of Philosophy in Systems Science, was an astrophysicist, an inventor and a philosopher whose thinking was outside the box: a Renaissance Man. Dr. LaViolette was president of the Starburst Foundation under whose aegis he had been conducting interdisciplinary research in physics, astronomy, ecology, climatology, systems theory, psychology …
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