Paper Archive
Paper Archive
- The nonvelocity cosmological spectral shift (accepted 2021)
- Expanding or static universe: Emergence of a new paradigm. (accepted, 2021)
- The Origin of Gravity and Its Effects. (to appear 2021 in the book The Origin of Gravity from the First Principles.
- Explanation of Model G in subquantum kinetics (2020)
- The transmuting ether paradigm of subquantum kinetics: A physics for the Twenty-first century. (World Futures, 2015)
- Stationary dissipative solitons of Model G (Intl. J. General Systems, 2013)
- The cosmic ether: Introduction to subquantum kinetics (Physics Procedia, 2012)
- Prediction of the nucleon charge distribution (Intl. J. General Systems, 2008)
- A paradigm shift for a new energy awakening (2007)
- Early prediction of the Pioneer effect (Physics Essays, 2005)
- The matter of creation (Physics Essays, 1994)
- Photon blueshifting/planetary-stellar mass-luminosity relation (Physics Essays, 1992)
- Violation of the First Law (IECEC Conference Proceedings, 1991)
- Is the universe really expanding? (Astrophysical Journal, 1986)
- An introduction to subquantum kinetics: Part I (Intl. J. General Systems, 1985)
- An introduction to subquantum kinetics: Part II (Intl. J. General Systems, 1985)
- An introduction to subquantum kinetics: Part III (Intl. J. General Systems, 1985)
Early Precursors to Subquantum Kinetics: Unpublished Papers [of interest from a history of science perspective]
- Cosmogenesis: The Alpha and the Omega (1974, unpublished)
- Toward a Prehensive Model of Space (1976, unpublished)
- Entropy and Negentropy (1976, unpublished)
- The Alchemic Ether Model: An Organic Conception of Physical Space [excerpts] (1978, unpublished)
- The generation of mega glacial meltwater floods and their geologic impact (2017)
- The episodic influx of tin-rich cosmic dust particles during the last ice age (2015)
- GALACTIC EXPLOSIONS, COSMIC DUST INVASIONS, AND CLIMATIC CHANGE - LaViolette's Ph.D. thesis of 1983 (updated in 2012)
- Evidence for a solar cause of the Pleistocene mass extinction (2011)
- A galactic superwave hazard alert (Nexus Magazine, Australia/UK/U.S., 2001)
- A galactic superwave hazard alert update (Nexus Magazine, Germany, 2009)
- The Cause of the Megafaunal Extinction:Supernova or Galactic Core Outburst?(2008)
- Periodic solar cycle acidity variations in ice age polar ice (Planetary & Space Sci, 2005)
- Evidence for global warming at the end of the ice age (2005)
- Anticipation of the Ulysses interstellar dust findings (Eos, 1993)
- Galactic core explosions and the evolution of life (Anthropos, 1990)
- Regarding the validity of polar trace metal data: A response (Monthly Notices, 1988)
- The cometary breakup hypothesis re-examined (Monthly Notices, 1987)
- Cosmic ray volleys from the Galactic center and their impact on the Earth environment (Earth, Moon, Planets, 1987)
Harvard ADS system reference - The discovery of cosmic dust in ice age polar ice (Meteoritics, 1983, 1985)
Prebiotic Evolution, SETI
- Autopoietic gene-enzyme cycles and the emergence of life (Keynote Paper) (J. Biological Systems, 2014)
- Are radio pulsars extraterrestrial communication beacons? (J. Astrobiology & Outreach, 2016)
Aerospace Propulsion Technology
- Proposal to NASA: Electrogravitics -- An energy efficient means for spacecraft propulsion (1990)
- Letter to the Columbia Accident Investigation Board describing a technology that could avoid future space shuttle accidents (2003)
Alternative Energy Technologies
- Moving Beyond the First Law and Advanced FieldPropulsion Technologies
- The Reality of Overunity Generators: Evidence for an Open-System Universe (2013)
- Construction and testing of a high efficiency solar water still (2005)
- How the Searl Effect works: An analysis of the Magnetic Energy Converter (2001)
Stock Market Theory
- The predator-prey relationship and its appearance in stock market trend fluctuations. (General Systems, vol. XIX, 1974; Systems & Management Annual, 1975)