Simulations Articles


Computer Simulation of Model G

Below is a simulation of the formation of a 1D particle in Model G using the Crank-Nicolson method. This is based on the research paper Stationary Dissipative Solitons of Model G. The 10 parameters on the left correspond to eqs. (17). To begin the simulation, press "Run" and wait several seconds. Contact. Please select here for full screen run.

Model G Transmuting Ether Simulator: Create a Subatomic Particle

Below is a simulator of the Model G ether reaction-diffusion system. It is currently set up to generate a one-dimensional representation of a dissipative soliton; i.e., the emergence of a primordial neutron from a spontaneously emerging zero-point energy fluctuation. Just press the "run" button at the bottom. The reaction-diffusion system parameters must be chosen to be close to the values given in the left column, otherwise the system will not generate a soliton structure. You can experiment by altering the provided values and pressing "run" to see the outcome. When finished you may reset the simulator by pressing the webpage reload button on your browser.
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Computer Simulation Gallery A series of simulations of the Model G reaction system Simulations carried out by Matt Pulver. Particle Creation 3D simulation showing a subatomic particle forming from an X potential ZPE fluctuation This is a one-dimensional cross section of a spherically symmetric particle extending radially in three dimensions.   Simulation parameters: Reaction volume radius = 50 spatial units, …
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    The Starburst Foundation is a nonprofit research institute based in Schenectady, New York and Athens, Greece.
    It was incorporated in the state of Oregon in January of 1984 for the purpose of carrying out scientific research and public education directed to the betterment of humanity and the planet. The Foundation’s research activities are carried out with the intention of:

    1. preserving and protecting the ecosystem of our planet from natural or man-made disturbances,
    2. promoting technologies that would improve our everyday life, and
    3. improving our understanding of ourselves as human beings and our comprehension of the universe of which we are an integral part.

    Starburst serves as a vehicle through which donors may support high-quality leading-edge research necessary to mankind’s survival in this new age.

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    Astrophysicist Paul Alex LaViolette, PhD has passed away

    8 November 1947 – 19 December 2022 ( Paul Alex LaViolette, a Doctorate of Philosophy in Systems Science, was an astrophysicist, an inventor and a philosopher whose thinking was outside the box: a Renaissance Man. Dr. LaViolette was president of the Starburst Foundation under whose aegis he had been conducting interdisciplinary research in physics, astronomy, ecology, climatology, systems theory, psychology …
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