Astronomy & Cosmology Articles

Astronomy & Cosmology

Earth Engulfed by Superconducting Interstellar Dust Particles During the Last Ice Age

Paper finally published after 30+ year journal battle ordeal. Samples retrieved from the ice age portion of the Camp Century, Greenland ice core show evidence that a major cosmic dust incursion episode occurred 49,000 years ago, the largest to occur in the past several hundred thousand years. Dr. Paul LaViolette, director of the Starburst Foundation, a New York based research institute, has found that over a period of at least 6 years, interstellar dust was entering the Earth's atmosphere at up to 100,000 times that of the current cosmic dust influx rate. He presents this discovery in a paper that that is appearing in the December 1st issue of Advances in Space Research.
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Hawking finally sees the light: Says black holes do not exist

Physicist Stephen Hawking has now reversed his stand on black holes. He gives his reasons in a paper that he posted five days ago on the physics preprint internet archive at ( He says that according to his new analysis "There would be no event horizons and no firewalls. The absence of event horizons mean that there are no black holes - in the sense of regimes from which light can't escape to infinity." He says that the concept of a black hole should be "redefined as a metastable bound state of the gravitational field" which has a chaotic interior. In other words, he now envisions that a supermassive Galactic core should be a collapsed region from which energy can escape through an "apparent horizon". An apparent horizon is described as a surface that traps light but which also varies its shape due to quantum fluctuations allowing the possibility for light to escape.
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SQK Cosmology

Like other astrophysicists, Paul LaViolette once took the big bang theory on faith to be an accepted established fact. However, in 1978 he came to a juncture in which he had to know for sure whether the expanding universe hypothesis was really correct, or not. During the previous five years, he had been developing a unified field theory called subquantum kinetics whose aim was to explain the formation of material subatomic particles and by 1978 he had made an advance in this theory which indicated that for the theory to be correct photons would necessarily have to lose energy as they traveled through space, with this lost energy actually disappearing in a real sense from being present in the observable material universe.
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Are we in Danger from a Local Interstellar Cloud Incursion?

The solar system is currently embedded in the Local Interstellar Cloud, or Local Fluff as it is sometimes called, a gas cloud about 30 light years wide and travelling past us at 29 km per second. At this speed we should be going through it for the next 300,000 years. It has been suggested that this cloud may contain cloudlets having gas densities hundreds of times higher than the Local Interstellar Cloud average. How far away they may lie from the solar system or when they will impact us remains open to speculation. But, one might ask how likely it is that the solar system’s movement through such a high density region will affect the Sun and Earth, whether it will impact us in a way similar to how a superwave has done in the past?
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Resurrection of the Hubble-Jeans Galaxy Formation Theory

A review of the most recent data on galaxy evolution shows that the subquantum kinetics continuous creation theory of galaxy formation is correct. That galaxies progressively grow in size and mass, proceeding from dwarf elliptical to S0 to mature spiral and finally to giant elliptical. The data also call for the reinstatement of the galaxy evolution theory which Edwin Hubble and Sir James Jeans proposed in the early 20th century. It indicates that Hubble's "tuning fork" diagram of galaxy evolution was largely correct with one exception. The elliptical galaxies on the left should be considered dwarf spheroidals and dwarf ellipticals while the giant elliptical category should be placed in a new branch to the right of the spirals, with both spiral category branches evolving into the giant elliptical category.

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Letter to Physics Today magazine regarding subquantum kinetics galaxy redshift prediction

Letter to the editor sent to Physics Today magazine on May 22, 1990 Will the Hubble Telescope Detect a Limit to Galaxy Redshifts? May 22, 1990 Paul A. LaViolette, Ph.D. The Starburst Foundation 2615 S.E. 111th Ave., #10 Portland, Oregon 97266   With the launching of the Hubble Space Telescope astronomers are anxiously waiting to see what will be revealed …
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Black Holes - Mother Stars

In the physics of subquantum kinetics the Galactic core is referred to as the Galaxy's mother star. According to subquantum kinetics, it does not exist in the form of a point singularity, but as a very dense supermassive star having a density similar to a neutron star or hyperon star. This conclusion is supported by the following observations and verifications:
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Subquantum Kinetics Predictions

Superwave Theory Predictions and their Subsequent Verification in the fields of astronomy and physics
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Galactic Superwaves and Core Explosions

One principal area of research that the Starburst Foundation is involved with is the investigation of Galactic superwaves, intense cosmic ray particle barrages that travel to us from the center of our Galaxy and that can last for periods of up to several thousand years. Astronomical and geological evidence indicates that the last major superwave impacted our solar system around 12,000 to 16,000 years ago and produced abrupt changes of the Earth's climate. It is estimated that approximately one or two superwaves strong enough to trigger an ice age are presently on their way to us from their birth place 23,000 light years away. There is a finite chance that one such event could arrive within the next few decades.
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Galactic Cosmic Ray Volleys: A Coming Global Disaster

Galactic core outbursts are the most energetic phenomenon taking place in the universe. During the early 60's astronomers began to realize that the massive object that forms the core of a spiral or giant elliptical galaxy periodically becomes active spewing out a fierce barrage of cosmic rays with a total energy output equal to hundreds of thousands of supernova explosions
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    Starburst relies on donations and bequests from the general public, charitable institutions, and the business community. Every contribution helps.

  • Starburst Foundation Profile

    The Starburst Foundation is a nonprofit research institute based in Schenectady, New York and Athens, Greece.
    It was incorporated in the state of Oregon in January of 1984 for the purpose of carrying out scientific research and public education directed to the betterment of humanity and the planet. The Foundation’s research activities are carried out with the intention of:

    1. preserving and protecting the ecosystem of our planet from natural or man-made disturbances,
    2. promoting technologies that would improve our everyday life, and
    3. improving our understanding of ourselves as human beings and our comprehension of the universe of which we are an integral part.

    Starburst serves as a vehicle through which donors may support high-quality leading-edge research necessary to mankind’s survival in this new age.

  • Latest News

    Astrophysicist Paul Alex LaViolette, PhD has passed away

    8 November 1947 – 19 December 2022 ( Paul Alex LaViolette, a Doctorate of Philosophy in Systems Science, was an astrophysicist, an inventor and a philosopher whose thinking was outside the box: a Renaissance Man. Dr. LaViolette was president of the Starburst Foundation under whose aegis he had been conducting interdisciplinary research in physics, astronomy, ecology, climatology, systems theory, psychology …
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