test Articles


Computer Simulation of Model G

Below is a simulation of the formation of a 1D particle in Model G using the Crank-Nicolson method. This is based on the research paper Stationary Dissipative Solitons of Model G. The 10 parameters on the left correspond to eqs. (17). To begin the simulation, press "Run" and wait several seconds. Contact. Please select here for full screen run.

Parthenogenesis Video

  The video Parthenogenesis: A Sacred Journey presents a conception of our universe alternate to that taught by big bang theorists. Rather than imagining the universe as originating explosively out of nothingness, it instead conceives that the matter making up our universe has been materializing spontaneously throughout all of space and within all celestial bodies, coming into being through a process …
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Independent Confirmation of the Arrival of 8 Minor Superwave Events in the past 1300 years

In June 2012, a group of Japanese researchers Miyake, et al. announced in Nature magazine that they had found evidence of a sharp increase in radiocarbon (1.5 percent in one year) in tree rings dating from 774 to 775 AD. This indicated that on that date the Earth had been exposed to an intense pulse of gamma rays or cosmic rays. As a cause, they ruled out that it had been caused by a solar proton event or a nearby supernova. Hambaryan and Neuhaeuser (2012) concluded instead that the C-14 spike must have been caused by an energetic astronomical event of unknown origin and tentatively proposed that it may have been due to a short gamma ray burst produced either by the merger of two white dwarfs or by the accretion induced collapse of a white dwarf.
At the time of their publication, the discoverers were apparently unaware that in my 1983 Ph.D. dissertation and subsequent publications (e.g., Earth Under Fire, chap. 12), I had predicted a date very close to this for the arrival of a small superwave cosmic ray volley from an outburst of the Galactic core which was one of 13 such dates predicted for the period from 5300 BP to the present; see date prediction table below.
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Solar Storm Warning!!

May 9, 2012 Warning!!
NASA today warned that the Sun has erupted with a very large sunspot complex that has produced an M1.4 solar flare and launched a barrage of solar cosmic ray particles and a coronal mass ejection that are headed our way.

It is now 10:30 PM in Athens, Greece (3:30 PM Eastern Standard Time) and most of the digital TV stations are on the fritz. Either the station signals are too weak and the screen goes blank, or the picture is full of noise interference. It is highly likely that this is due to the prompt arrival of the solar cosmic ray protons, indicating the occurrence of a solar proton event. Starburst is issuing a warning in the possibility that this may be a big event. So be prepared. There may be a risk of excessive solar cosmic ray exposure. So do not venture outdoors until you first check with your local authorities.
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Are we in Danger from a Local Interstellar Cloud Incursion?

The solar system is currently embedded in the Local Interstellar Cloud, or Local Fluff as it is sometimes called, a gas cloud about 30 light years wide and travelling past us at 29 km per second. At this speed we should be going through it for the next 300,000 years. It has been suggested that this cloud may contain cloudlets having gas densities hundreds of times higher than the Local Interstellar Cloud average. How far away they may lie from the solar system or when they will impact us remains open to speculation. But, one might ask how likely it is that the solar system’s movement through such a high density region will affect the Sun and Earth, whether it will impact us in a way similar to how a superwave has done in the past?
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News reports on solar energy

News Reports on the Club of Rome Solar Energy Findings   • Oregon Journal, June 16, 1977 • Schenectady Gazette, July 23, 1977 • Solar Energy Intelligence Report, June 20, 1977 • Ekonomikos (Greek newspaper), October 13, 1977 • Eleftherotypia (Greek newspaper), September 21, 1977 • Eleftheros Kosmos (Greek newspaper), October 2, 1977 • Kathimerini (Greek newspaper), October 25, 1977 …
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Experiment to test whether inertial mass can be artificially altered

Posted May 26, 2011 by Paul LaViolette The subquantum kinetics physics theory predicts that the inertial mass of a body can be changed by altering either its electric or gravitational potential.  High negative voltage potentials or positive G potentials (gravity hills) are predicted to reduce inertial mass, while high positive voltage potentials or negative G potentials (gravity wells) are predicted …
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  • Donations

    Starburst relies on donations and bequests from the general public, charitable institutions, and the business community. Every contribution helps.

  • Starburst Foundation Profile

    The Starburst Foundation is a nonprofit research institute based in Schenectady, New York and Athens, Greece.
    It was incorporated in the state of Oregon in January of 1984 for the purpose of carrying out scientific research and public education directed to the betterment of humanity and the planet. The Foundation’s research activities are carried out with the intention of:

    1. preserving and protecting the ecosystem of our planet from natural or man-made disturbances,
    2. promoting technologies that would improve our everyday life, and
    3. improving our understanding of ourselves as human beings and our comprehension of the universe of which we are an integral part.

    Starburst serves as a vehicle through which donors may support high-quality leading-edge research necessary to mankind’s survival in this new age.

  • Latest News

    Astrophysicist Paul Alex LaViolette, PhD has passed away

    8 November 1947 – 19 December 2022 (protothemanews.com) Paul Alex LaViolette, a Doctorate of Philosophy in Systems Science, was an astrophysicist, an inventor and a philosopher whose thinking was outside the box: a Renaissance Man. Dr. LaViolette was president of the Starburst Foundation under whose aegis he had been conducting interdisciplinary research in physics, astronomy, ecology, climatology, systems theory, psychology …
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