Detailed Projects List
9) Maintaining the Starburst Foundation website. The Starburst Foundation website and its forums need to be updated on an ongoing basis to inform about new research findings and developments.
10) Superwave documentary. We need to work with a video producer to create a network quality video describing the superwave phenomenon.
11) Computer simulation of subatomic particles. Starburst has plans to simulate the Model G ether reaction-diffusion system postulated by the novel physics methodology, subquantum kinetics.(14-31) (See footnote at end of project list.*) The objective would be to produce visual images of reactant concentration patterns that are expected to produce particle-like structures behaving similarly to subatomic particles and that displaying realistic particle-field interactions. For this project we would write computer code for a system of nonlinear equations (representing Model G or possible variants). We seek to simulate soliton-like dissipative structure solutions that would display many of the characteristics of subatomic particles: a) a nuclear electric field potential configured as a Compton wavelength periodicity, b) the creation of charge, mass, and spin, c) the formation of extended 1/r potential fields, d) the phenomenon of electrostatic and gravitational forces (attractive and repulsive), e) the phenomenon of nuclear binding, etc. If successful, the project will be able for the first time to show stunning graphical simulations of how subatomic particles self-create, bind, and interact among themselves. With proper funding, this project could be vastly accelerated.
12) Modeling stellar interiors with an assumption of energy nonconservation. The Starburst Foundation also has plans to run computer simulations of energy generation and exchange processes taking place within stellar and planetary bodies. Computer models have already been developed by other scientists for modeling the energetics of stellar and planetary interiors. For our simulations we will modify these models by incorporating a photon blueshifting term in the energy balance equations in accordance with the genic energy prediction of SQK. This would make it possible for the first time to computer simulate from one model a wide variety of stellar phenomena not fully explained by current theory (e.g. the planetary-stellar mass-luminosity relation and its upward bend at 0.45 solar masses, stellar pulsation, X-ray stars, supernovae, and Galactic core explosions.
13) Testing the First Law of Thermodynamics. The Starburst Foundation would like to further check the genic energy prediction of subquantum kinetics. A paper published in 2005,(31) which called attention to subquantum kinetics' early prediction of the Pioneer Effect, also made a prediction of the expected future outcome in data to be gathered by LIGO, the Laser Interferometry Gravity-Wave Observatory facility directed by Caltech and which is expected to be ready for operation by 2014. A confirmation of this photon blueshifting effect by LIGO would provide an unparalleled test of this subquantum kinetics prediction as well as a definitive test of the validity of the First Law of Thermodynamics. Funding would allow LaViolette to network with LIGO scientists and present a paper about his prediction at one of their project conferences. This would allow his ideas to be communicated to other researchers on the LIGO team in the hope to alert them to look for the blueshifting effect in the LIGO data.
14) Publishing additional papers about subquantum kinetics and its cosmological predictions. With financial backing Starburst Foundation could support Dr. LaViolette to write and publish papers that explore various aspects of the subquantum kinetics methodology. For example, he plans to publish a paper in a well-read astrophysical journal which will disprove the big bang theory by showing that the tired-light model fits cosmological test data better than the expanding universe model. He published such a paper in 1986 in the Astrophysical Journal.(16) In 2001 his paper was challenged by two cosmological studies. The paper that LaViolette plans to write and publish will update his 1986 paper and respond to these challenges. It will be based on material presented in Chapter 7 of his book Subquantum Kinetics, which shows that the challenging studies have reached the wrong conclusion.
Also a paper could be written on the electrogravitic and field propulsion predictions of subquantum kinetics for presentation at a conference on advanced space propulsion. Paul LaViolette has been invited to submit such a paper for presentation at the SPESIF (Space, Propulsion and Energy Sciences International Forum) in the "Future Propulsion Science and Technology" section. The conference will be held in Maryland in February 2010. Funding would allow him to make a presentation.
Also every year LaViolette is invited to present about subquantum kinetics at a conference in Russia, but he turns down the offer due to lack of funds. Funding would allow him to attend the conference and make a presentation. The budget for these projects would include travel money for presenting these papers at scientific conferences.
15) Electrogravitics. There are some experiments in electrogravitics which might be interesting to do. One would be to build and test a Lafforgue thruster made with a barium titanate dielectric. Another would be to duplicate Townsend Brown's vertical thruster using a microwave generator on the negative electrode to create the necessary unipolar AC field. The results of either of these experiments could be written up and published. It is roughly estimated that they could take 8 months. It would require some foundry and materials costs and would need a 100,000 volt pulsed DC power supply.
16) Electrogravitic inertial mass change effect. We plan to conduct an experiment to verify the subquantum kinetics prediction that inertial mass should vary with changes in gravitational potential. Since gravitational potential is predicted to be coupled to electric potential, this may be done by varying the electric potential on two spheres each enclosing two synchronized mechanical pocket watches. A third synchronized pocket watch would be placed at a distance from these spheres. The spheres would then be charged to +200 kv and -200 kv respectively. If total inertial mass (nucleons plus electrons) were to vary in the same manner as electron inertial mass varied in the electron mass oscillation experiment performed by Mikhailov (1999), then the inertial mass within the negatively charged sphere would be expected to decrease by ~20% and that within the positively charged sphere would be expected to increase by ~20%. Hence the watch within the negatively charged sphere should run 20% faster and that within the positively charged sphere should run 20% slower than the control watch. After a ten minute period the watches in the positive and negatively charged spheres should have accumulated a total time difference of ~4 minutes relative to one another. It is likely, however, that a much smaller inertial mass variation will be found since nucleons generate supercritical gravity wells at their cores which would likely exhibit far smaller mass alteration than electrons, which instead should produce gravity hills. It is estimated that 3 months would be needed to conduct the experiment and to write up the results for publication in a physics journal.